If you’ve been exploring the Law of Attraction, you probably know how influential your thoughts can be. Many sources emphasize the power of positive thinking, but it’s equally vital to address and transform your negative thoughts, like those pesky limiting beliefs.
When negative thoughts linger in your mind constantly, they can lower your overall energy and hinder your journey to manifesting your dream life. So, let’s look at common limiting beliefs that might be holding you back and some practical tips to help you move past them.
What Are Limiting Beliefs?
A limiting belief is any belief that limits your capacity to act and create in the world. Holding a limiting belief has the consequence of you not being able to manifest your desires because the belief contradicts your desire.
For example: You try to manifest 2.000$ in 10 days but you have the belief that you have to work hard and long for money. In this case, the belief contradicts your desires and you will not be able to manifest the 2.000$ easily and effortlessly.
You know you have a limiting belief when you don’t get what you desire. When you are not able to manifest something, it is not because you are not capable as a creator, but because you have a limiting belief around the subject you want to manifest that prevents you from receiving the manifestation.
One example might be that you believe everyone cheats in relationships. If this is the belief (program) you have in your subconscious mind (computer), you will experience the content of that belief (program) in your life (computer screen). This may translate into a constant distrust of your own partner and always attracting friends and people into your life who tell you that they got cheated on.
Furthermore, you may hold another belief that money is evil. Having this belief will attract all kinds of life situations and events that make you have less money or even lose money because you deeply believe it is bad to have money. When you then have a desire to make more money, you will have the limiting belief contradicting that desire, which causes you to have trouble making money.
12 Common Limiting Beliefs that Prevent You From Effective Manifestation
#1. “I’m not good enough.”
This belief is super common, and it’s like thinking you don’t deserve the good stuff you want in life. But here’s the deal: if you don’t believe you’re good enough for love, money, a fantastic job, or whatever it is you desire, it’s tough to bring it into your life.
Instead, you tell the universe that you don’t expect these dreams to come true. So, let’s challenge this belief. Where did it come from? When did you start thinking this way? Write down reasons you should kick this belief to the curb, and remind yourself of those reasons daily.
Flip that fear script and embrace your desires without any apology. You’re born worthy and have the potential to manifest anything you set your heart on.
#2. “There isn’t enough for everyone.”
Another common limiting belief that can stand in your way is believing in scarcity instead of abundance.
Ever felt like you have to hurry up and grab what’s yours before someone else takes it? Or do you feel guilty about pursuing your dreams because you worry it might get in the way of someone else’s dreams?
In both cases, you’re assuming that there’s only a limited amount of love, success, or happiness to go around. Instead of seeing a world full of plenty, you’re worried there’s not enough to go around. You’re afraid others will snatch away what you have, and it feels like you’re in constant competition.
This mindset leads you to act with a controlling and anxious vibe that doesn’t match the loving flow of the Universe. When you believe there’s not enough for everyone, you actually manifest situations where there’s not enough. So let’s flip that script!
To tackle this, try using affirmations for abundance to let go of those limiting beliefs in scarcity that don’t serve you anymore.
#3. “I’m not … as others.”
“I’m not beautiful as this beauty blogger,” “I’m not rich as that entrepreneur,” “I don’t write content as well as the copywriter,” etc.
The need to compare yourself with others is another limiting belief that can hinder your manifestations.
Thanks to social media, it’s so easy to fall into the jealousy trap these days. Jealousy is like a negative vibe that’s totally out of tune with what you want to attract.
The comparison itself isn’t a bad thing. You must pair it with some positive energy to turn jealousy into inspiration.
Instead of getting sucked into jealousy, celebrate the abundance and achievements of others, and let them inspire you. When you appreciate their success, you align your vibration with what you desire, making it easier to attract those things into your own life.
#4. “I need someone’s approval.”
When you’re about seeking someone else’s approval, you’re blocking yourself from what you truly want and from being your authentic self.
Guess what? Your real self is the one that will lead you to the good stuff in life. Plus, it naturally attracts the right kind of people who see your true value and are drawn to it.
#5. “I have to work super hard to make it.”
Absolutely, achieving your dreams requires taking real action, whether you’re using the Law of Attraction or not. However, believing that success only comes from non-stop grinding can actually hold you back. You can attract success without exhausting yourself.
Start embracing a more balanced approach. Stay motivated and take the right steps, but also understand that positive thinking and enjoying your life can bring success your way. Remember, everything can feel joyful and manageable if you let it!
#6. “Just wait until it happens.”
This is also a limiting belief that many people have. Some folks mistakenly think that just thinking about what they want is enough for it to appear magically. But that’s only part of the manifesting puzzle.
To make your desires a reality, you’ve got to meet the Universe halfway by taking action once you’re in sync with your desires.
These actions don’t have to be giant leaps or groundbreaking moves. But they do need to be fueled by positive energy. When you take action with that high-vibe energy, you’re setting the stage for successful manifesting.
#7. “I love it but don’t want to do anything differently.”
The seventh belief that can stand in your way is resistance to change.
Manifestation, as I discussed in my blog post on the spiritual meaning of manifestation, is a creative process.
Many of us believe that achieving greatness requires hard work and struggle. But manifesting challenges this belief because it’s all about how you feel. The key to manifesting is tapping into the energy of what you want to experience.
So, if you want to manifest your desires, be ready to let go of old limiting beliefs and think outside the box. Embrace change, and you’ll open the door to incredible manifesting opportunities.
#8. “I must suffer for others to be happy.”
It’s noble to help others, but sacrificing yourself to the point of suffering can hinder your own goals and well-being. Don’t spread yourself so thin that you can’t care for yourself or others effectively.
Try setting aside some dedicated time just for yourself each day. Use that time to think about what brings you happiness and rejuvenates your body and mind. By caring for yourself, you’ll be better equipped to manifest your dreams and support others.
#9. “I don’t think manifestation works, but just try a bit.”
This limiting belief that can block your manifesting is not giving manifestation the respect it deserves.
Manifestation is a powerful skill you can master in your lifetime. It has the incredible ability to turn your dreams into reality, no matter how big they are.
If you approach manifesting with doubts or treat it as a joke, you won’t get the results you desire.
When you show genuine respect for the manifestation process, it rewards you in abundance. There are plenty of resources to help you dive deeper into manifestation, like books, online courses, and Law of Attraction planners.
#10. “Things must unfold exactly as I planned.”
Some folks tend to get overly specific with their intentions when working with the Law of Attraction. While clarity is good, being too rigid can limit your manifestations.
Instead, set intentions that are clear but leave room for flexibility. For instance, aim to “attract a relationship with person X” rather than listing multiple specific outcomes like “getting a phone call from X” or “seeing X next week.”
Once you’ve set your intention, stay open to different ways it can come true. Look for signs that your life is changing, even if it’s not how you anticipated.
#11. “I failed it in the past, so I’ll never succeed.”
A common limiting belief that can hinder your manifesting journey is dwelling on the past.
When you constantly think about negative events or past traumas, your energy takes a dive into those low-vibe feelings. Essentially, you end up reliving those negative emotions in the present moment.
This tends to draw negativity into your life – negative people, situations, and experiences. It’s crucial to stay rooted in the present to break this cycle. You can do this by practicing positive affirmations and using prayers that help you stay in alignment with your desires.
#12. “I’m worried that all good things I manifest today will disappear soon.”
Worrying too much about the future is another limiting belief that can block your manifestations.
This is similar to being stuck in the past. When you obsessively fret about negative scenarios that might happen down the road, your energy gets stuck in those low-vibe vibes. In essence, you’re pulling those negative feelings into your present moment.
And you guessed it – this often leads to more negativity in your life. To overcome this, focus on planning for what you want instead of dwelling on what you don’t want. Try visualization meditations to immerse yourself in the positive feelings that your desires bring, allowing you to attract what you truly want into your reality.
How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs to Manifest Your Wishes Effectively
Here are my top three tips to help you bid farewell to those limiting beliefs once and for all:
#1. Embrace Positive Feedback
It’s essential to remain open to positive input from others, even when it might feel like criticism. Sometimes, when a limiting belief holds you back, you may not want to hear that you could be wrong.
But try to be open-minded and recognize that these people are trying to assist you.
#2. Realize That You’re in Control
You’re not a victim, and that’s fantastic news! You can decide how you perceive, process, and store information. Your subconscious mind guides your consciousness, and this is the foundation of the Law of Attraction. However, ultimately, it’s your choice in how you “feed” your subconscious.
You have the ability to make a conscious decision that a limiting belief doesn’t serve you and that you want to change it because you can reprogram your subconscious mind.
Try My Google Method for Manifesting More
My Google method is a neat trick I’ve often used with my coaching clients to address limiting beliefs. As mentioned in tip #1, it can be challenging to convince someone that these negative beliefs are false and only holding them back.
But hey, Google doesn’t lie, right?
So, for instance, if you believe that you can’t write a book due to poor spelling and grammar (welcome back, old unhelpful belief), just give it a Google search.
Chances are, you’ll stumble upon my blog, and there’s the proof—it works.
Or perhaps you’ll find Quentin Tarantino’s website, whose films I adore. Did you know that Tarantino dropped out of school in the ninth grade and is not great at spelling? His screenplays are filled with grammar mistakes and misspellings.
That didn’t stop him from writing numerous screenplays, winning two Academy Awards along the way.
When we believe something is impossible, the best approach is to seek it out and find someone who has done exactly THAT. Afterward, it’s vital to understand that we all possess the same secret weapon: our imagination.
What we can imagine, we can create.