Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction from someone who was really excited about it? Chances are, you have. When that person enthusiastically talked about how the Law of Attraction changed their life, you might have thought it sounded too good to be true. Keep reading to discover that it’s actually real.
What is the Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is pretty straightforward. It’s all about the idea that you attract what matches your own vibe. In other words, if you radiate positivity, you’ll draw positive things into your life. It’s like making your dreams come true with the power of positive thinking.
This law is guided by seven universal principles:
- Burning Desire
- Visualization
- Absolute Belief
- Affirmation
- Complete Focus
- Manifestation
- Gratitude
The Law of Attraction applies to people, objects, feelings, thoughts, and everything in the universe. It’s based on the principle that similar things attract each other, which means positive thoughts and actions bring positive energy and things into your life. It’s just how life works.
See More: Law of Attraction and Manifestation: What Is the Difference?
How does the Law of Attraction Work?
The Law of Attraction works based on three simple principles:
#1. Like attracts like
Bringing your dreams to life through the Law of Attraction might seem simple, but it involves setting clear intentions, taking action, and having a little trust in the process.
Think of it like this: We’re all magnets, drawing in either positivity or negativity based on the vibes we emit. It’s like placing an order with the Universe, and the Universe finds the best match for your request.
“Our thoughts are like magnets, attracting what we focus on.”
spiritual author – Shannon Kaiser
#2. Nature abhors a vacuum
This principle tells us that empty spaces can’t stay empty for long; they crave something to fill them. So, just like tidying up your workspace or bedroom, your mind needs some decluttering. Create room for positivity by clearing out negativity.
#3. The present is always perfect
Perfecting the present moment is the third piece of the Law of Attraction puzzle. It reminds us that there will always be things to bring us down if we look for them. Instead of dwelling on what’s going wrong, focus on ways to make things better. This is essential for shifting your reality to attract what you truly desire.
It’s important to note that it’s okay to acknowledge negativity and feel your emotions about it. However, rather than getting stuck in a cycle of negativity, it’s about taking action to improve the situation right now and letting go of what you can’t control.
How to Harness the Law of Attraction for Success
The law of attraction may seem simple, but for beginners, it can be a bit tricky. To make it more accessible, here are some straightforward steps to help you attract your desired miracles using the law of attraction.
#1. Decide What You Want
If you’re new to this, take your time choosing your desire. It should be something that truly excites you, not something you feel you should want. Your choice should spark enthusiasm, and you don’t need a reason for wanting it.
#2. Visualize Your Success
Once you’ve decided on your desire, picture yourself already having it. Feel the joy and elation as if it’s already yours. Don’t worry about how it will happen; let go of logical reasoning and focus on the end result. Visualization shifts your reality.
The law of attraction says that when your vibration matches your desire, your reality will shift to make it happen. In other words, your dream will come true.
#3. Believe in It
It’s often said that seeing is believing, but you need to believe before you see. Trusting that your dream will come true can be challenging, especially when your current situation suggests otherwise. Train your mind to accept that you will succeed, even when it seems difficult.
#4. Affirm Your Belief
Just deciding and believing isn’t enough; you must take action to move towards your goal. For example, if you want good grades, you need to study. Affirm your belief by taking steps that align with your desire.
#5. Stay Positive
Your daily thoughts and feelings have a significant impact on your life. Positive thoughts and energy can work wonders, while negativity can create chaos. When you focus on your desires, your subconscious starts seeking opportunities to make them real. Stay positive and cherish your life.
#6. Be Grateful
Feel gratitude for what you already have and what’s on its way to you. Practicing thankfulness every day fills you with positive energy, which in turn helps you get closer to your desires. Remember, genuine gratitude is the key, so don’t fake it.
How to Get Started with the Law of Attraction for Beginners Today
Wondering how to kickstart your journey with the Law of Attraction?
It’s easier than you might think. Here are some simple ways to infuse positivity into your life right now:
- Visualize: Visualization is a nifty tool for turning your dreams into reality. You don’t need to be an artist; just picture the future you desire in your mind’s eye. If you’re the creative type, you can even sketch it out. Or, go the extra mile and create a vision board with images that represent your goals. It’s a visual reminder to keep you motivated.
- Keep a Gratitude Journal: Since like attracts like, deliberately focusing on the things you’re thankful for can attract more goodness into your life. Take a moment each day to jot down what you’re grateful for, and watch the positive vibes flow.
- Speak Your Desires Aloud: Sometimes, it’s as simple as saying it out loud. In the morning, declare to the universe, “I want X.” This can be especially helpful if you’re new to the Law of Attraction and want to get the ball rolling.
- Look for Synchronicities: Keep an eye out for those meaningful “coincidences” that feel a bit magical. If you’re working towards a specific goal (let’s say running a marathon), and you keep seeing signs related to it, like your race bib number on billboards or signs, consider it a sign that you’re moving in the right direction.
- Shift from Scarcity to Abundance: When we’re chasing something we don’t yet have, it’s easy to get stuck in a mindset of scarcity and lack. But focusing on what you lack—love, money, happiness—only reinforces that feeling of not having enough. Instead, act as if you’re already where you want to be. As Shannon Kaiser advises, “Let go of rigid expectations and trust the universe to do its thing. Stay open to whatever the universe believes is best.”
You can read more in the series of 6 books written by Rhonda Byrne here.
How to Apply the Law of Attraction to Pursue Love and Relationships
When it comes to using the law of attraction to invite more love into your life, the first step is to become aware of any hidden resistance you might have.
For instance, if you find that the universe keeps sending you people who are unavailable, it might be a sign that something within you is also closed off to love.
Once you’ve recognized this block, it’s time to start breaking down those inner barriers and adopting a more open approach to relationships. Connect with your true self and your desires, and then trust that the universe will bring you the partner you truly need, even if it’s not exactly the one you think you want.
How to Achieve Your Career Aspirations with the Law of Attraction
When using the law of attraction for your career, it’s crucial to be crystal clear about your desires.
Take a moment to jot down your career goals using clear and straightforward statements. For instance, you might write, “I aim to collaborate with people who share my vision and champion my ideas,” or “I earn X amount of income in the vibrant city of X.”
Remember, taking action is a key part of this process. If you’re eyeing that promotion, ask yourself, “What actions would the ‘promoted-me’ take?”
How to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Money Abundance
It’s entirely understandable to have concerns about your finances, and these worries are entirely valid. It can be quite a journey to develop a positive and healthy relationship with financial abundance.
When it comes to money, it’s common to slip into a mindset of scarcity. However, it’s beneficial to shift your focus toward appreciating what you already possess rather than fixating on what you may feel is lacking. Remember, “Abundance flows through me, allowing me to give joyfully.”