When talking about their dreams, have you ever heard someone say, “Just make it happen” or “Bring it to life with your words”? You might have found the world of #Manifesting on TikTok. So, what does manifestation mean? And, most importantly, does it work? Let’s get into this interesting topic and find out what it’s all about.
What does Manifestation mean?
Manifestation is an old idea that good thoughts can help us get what we want. It came from a spiritual movement in the 19th century called “New Thought,” which stressed how much our thoughts affect the real world.
It said that hope is the answer to most of the world’s issues. The idea that our thinking can change the world is often referred to as the “law of attraction.” It is related to old spiritual ideas like Hinduism, which stress the connection between the mind, body, and universe.
But lately, people are once again interested in how things come to be. Google Trends shows that over the past few years, people have been looking for “how to manifest” more and more. Who can forget the “Shut up, I’m manifesting” jokes that went viral and were called the “defining memes of 2020” by Rebecca Jennings of Vox? Also, a lot of people on TikTok say they are “masters of expression.”
When they feel out of control, many people have thought about what life is all about. And, really, who wouldn’t want to make good changes, especially in these difficult times?
How to Understand Manifestation in the Modern World
At its heart, manifestation is a mental exercise in which you focus on what you want and try to make it happen by using tools like awareness, visualization, and meditation.
Manifesting is all about seeing the future, giving it energy and purpose, and then putting your thoughts, feelings, and actions into harmony to make it happen. This is like the trip we take when we think about ourselves, change our surroundings, or work hard to meet personal goals. It covers what you think, how you feel, and what you do on purpose.
Why is everyone so excited? We are going through some strange things for sure. Our foundations have been shaken, which makes us feel useless and overwhelmed. Amid all this chaos, it’s very encouraging to think that we can use our thoughts to make the future better. Or to think that our lives are controlled by a spiritual or heavenly force.
Beyond the appeal of being able to change the future, manifestation is a way to learn more about yourself. It helps us figure out what we really want, just like our star signs can tell us things about who we are. Even though there is no hard proof that Pisces are more sensitive, these habits give us a new way to look at who we are.
Meditation, astrology, and other self-awareness activities help us focus on who we really are. Often, our goals are set by societal norms, whether they are to get rich, have a normal family, or become recognized.
Using manifestation or other self-awareness techniques gives you the power to get back in touch with your real values, whether that means leaving a bad relationship or going after a job you’re passionate about. With so many problems in the world today, like the pandemic, geopolitical conflicts, and environmental crises, it’s only natural to think about our true goals and ideals.
Does Manifestation Really Work?
Studies have shown that it’s good for you to think positively, which is a key part of the creation process. The Mayo Clinic says that this way of thinking makes for a healthy mind, which usually means less depression and better ways to deal with stress. A study from 2017 that was released in the journal Basic and Applied Social Psychology showed that tennis players played much better after thinking about winning.
Imagining a goal doesn’t work like magic, but the self-fulfilling prophecy concept says that it does. This is supported by a study from 2016 that was published in The Encyclopedia of Mental Health. It says that how we think something will turn out can actually change how it turns out. In one test, it was found that when teachers had high goals for certain students and called them “late bloomers,” these students did make a lot of progress. Why? They got more help and had more time from these teachers.
So, manifestation might involve more than just thinking about what you want. When you take a moment to figure out what you want and what steps you need to take to get it, you clear the way to get it.

Why the Law of Attraction Works
Let’s take a look at what people think makes manifestation work.
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
Even though manifestation might not be magic, it is a real process that takes place in the brain. Our brains have a great system called the Reticular Activating System, or RAS, that helps us pay attention. The RAS goes to work when you think about a result or set a strong goal. It works like a personal assistant, sorting through a lot of information to show you only what fits with what you’re focused on. So, when you think about good things happening, it might seem like the whole world is trying to give you chances.
Power of Prophecies
The mind has a lot of power. If you think something will happen, you might act differently to make it happen. For instance, acting confidently could make you act in ways that show confidence, even if you don’t realize it. Over time, this behavior shows that your first view wasn’t a waste of time.
Thought-provoking Stories
Even though stories of people who have had success with manifestation might not be as strong as a scientific study, it’s hard to ignore them. The sheer number of success stories is inspiring and shows how important it is to think positively.
Placebo Effect
People who work in health care have always been interested in the placebo effect. Even if the medicine isn’t working, people’s health can sometimes get better if they think they’re getting help. This result shows how important it is to have faith in something. In the same way, if you really want something to happen, your strong belief in it could change the way you think, bringing you closer to the outcome you want.
Problems with Manifestation
But not everyone can use manifestation, especially when it is seen as a one-size-fits-all option. For example, artists are often rejected unfairly, even when they have a lot of talent because society doesn’t always value art.
Also, it can be hard for people from groups that aren’t as powerful to make their dreams come true. Some people think that their ideas are the only thing that has power, but we must acknowledge that marginalized people face systemic barriers. Putting all your faith in what you see can cause you to blame yourself too much, feel guilty, and have other mental health problems.
When people only use manifestation, it could lead to “magical thinking,” which could keep them from facing their past traumas or current problems. So, it’s important to make up for the hurts from the past before making plans for the future. For example, it might be pointless to hope for a good relationship if you haven’t worked through childhood attachment problems.
Also, manifestation can sometimes put too much emphasis on the end result and not enough on the steps needed to get there. Action is the way to get where you want to go. It’s a must-have. So, if you want a long-lasting relationship, you need to think about your past habits and learn from them.
But a word of caution: relying too much on manifestation can be bad. Things could hurt someone’s mental health if they don’t go as planned. If we think that our thinking alone can control everything that happens to us, we might feel bad about ourselves when bad things happen. Life is full of surprises, and being strong means you can handle the things you can’t change.
Should You Try to Manifest?
The choice is up to each person. If you go into manifestation with an open mind, it can be a powerful tool for helping you grow as a person, develop a good attitude, and get what you want. Even if you don’t believe in the spiritual parts, the process can help you get clear on what you want, be more optimistic, and take action.
Practical Tips to Manifesting
Let’s be honest: staring into a made-up crystal ball and hoping hard isn’t going to change your life suddenly. But if you’re ready to try the art of creation, you need to do more than just think about it. Here’s how to combine the spiritual and the real for a good practice of manifestation.
Don’t forget that the way you appear is as unique as you are. Even though there is no one “right” way to create, the process should be a mix of deep thought and action. It doesn’t matter if you do moonlit rituals or incorporate them into your daily mindfulness practice; the important thing is to anchor your wishes. Let’s get you ready with these tips:
Tip 1: Wishing isn’t enough to make things happen
It’s important to know the difference between idly wishing and making your dreams come true. Manifesting is about putting your attention where you want it to go, tuning into the quality of your thoughts, and recognizing that you are in charge of your actions and feelings. To give an example, if you want to make a real relationship, don’t just wait. Participate in group events, like a literary circle or a sports league, to meet more people.
Tip 2: Say out loud what you want
Even if you say your goals quietly to yourself, it can help you reach them. For example, if you’re thinking about getting back together with a bad ex, saying it out loud might give you the clarity you need and make you think about whether or not it fits with your desire for a healthy relationship.
Tip 3: Write down your goals or use digital tools to help you
Just like you write down jobs and events in your planner, you should also write down your goals. Putting them somewhere you can see them every day, like on a sticky note or in a more private notebook. Also, digital calendar reminders can keep you on track and make sure you check in on your work every so often. Undivided attention to one’s goals and synchronized thoughts, feelings, and actions are key to manifestation.
Tip 4: Mix it with Mindfulness Practices
Manifesting can be done on its own or as part of your daily awareness practice. When you meditate, you picture the happiness you’ll feel when your dreams come true. Consider writing your goal on a candle jar to help you remember it. It could be a sign that you want to come back to life if you light it. Will it melt away problems in the real world? Maybe not. But if you stay focused, you might be able to take steps that will help you reach your goals. Plus, lights make a calm atmosphere, right?
With its mix of metaphysics and psychology, manifestation is still one of the most interesting new areas in the field of personal growth. Even though there isn’t much scientific proof, it’s clear that a positive attitude, clarity, and aligned action can help.
Whether you think of manifestation as a way the universe works or as a psychological trick, the most important thing to remember is that our thoughts and beliefs shape our world in a big way. So, why not be optimistic and try to reach for the stars?
Happy manifesting!